TA- Employment & Training Department 918-732-7773
-Support Services
-GED assistance
-Career Readiness
-Emergency/Tech Scholarship
Summer Youth- still accepting applications

Application Link:


Developmental Disabilities Advocacy Program
0-15 years old who are at risk of having a chronic physical, developmental, behavioral, or emotional condition and require health and related services. Beyond that required by children and youth generally. MCN Family to Family will also give resources needed to navigate the complex health networks for the child to receive the specialty care they need. Children will receive resources, support, education, and referrals. This program will offer follow-up services for 30 days after the initial visit to make sure they are making contact with appropriate referrals.
Cynthia Smith, Director 918-549-2642

NYCP- Future Mvskoke Educators Assistance Application
Funding is still available. First come, first served basis. (see attached flyer)

Mvskoke Nation Youth Services program has the Mvskoke Youth Opportunity Grant available. It is for Muscogee Citizens ages 6-24.  The application will be on camphouse portal. You can find more information at 
-sports equipment
-band uniforms/equipment
-out of state extra curricular activities
MNYS Connect the Disconnect Program- Hadyn Wilson 918-549-2557
A cultural and Educational experience. 2hour class where students 12-18 can learn about a cultural activity along with a short history/educational lesson. 

MCN Higher Education 
-Undergraduate Grants
-Post Graduate Grants
-Emergency Scholarship

Honor Chord Applications– Jan-June or while supplies last
Elsa Lowe

School Clothing Assistance

TANF- Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

Youth Reintegration Services
Autumn Harjo-Escarcega
Youth Advocate, Reintegration (918) 549-2626.

In order for a student to receive Indian Education services from Preston Public Schools, his/her parent or guardian must complete the 506 form. A form must be completed for each student to be enrolled in Indian Education.  You may print out and complete a 506 form and either drop it off or mail to Preston School, PO Box 40, Preston, 74456. If you wish you may fill out the form in the office. The 506 must have an original signature to be accepted. No copies of the 506 will be accepted. 


It is our mission to provide our community of learners with educational opportunities to acquire and develop the best possible academic, vocational, recreational, social, and participatory skills, enabling them to become valued, contributing members of a changing global society. 

The Title VI and JOM programs are designed to assist Native American students by supporting access to programs that meet their unique educational and culturally related academic needs.

A Title VI Program - Johnson O'Malley Program


Title VI is a federally funded program through the Department of Education operating within the Office of Indian Education in Washington, D.C.   Funds go directly to local programs to meet academic, social, and cultural needs, as well as college and career planning. All students of Native American descent are eligible to participate whose tribe is recognized by the federal government.   Eligibility does not consider income level.   Procedures for enrolling your school-age child as a recipient of the program begin with the completion of a Title VI Student Eligibility Certification. Form (506)


Johnson O’Malley is a federally funded program through the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Office of Indian Education in Washington D.C.  Preston’s Native American Education Program provides the operational support for JOM. Preston subcontracts with Muscogee Creek Nation.  Funds provide school supplies, cap and gown cost assistance, fees for Act testing, field trips, and cultural
activities.  To be eligible for services under JOM, you must submit a copy of your child’s Certified Degree of Indian Blood (CDIB) Card, or tribal membership card  Eligibility does not consider income level.   

Preston Native American Student services/assistance:

  • Academic Tutoring 
  • Cap and Gown cost assistance
  • College and Career Counseling
  • Fees for ACT testing reimbursement
  • School Supplies
  • Field trips
  • Professional Development for teachers and counselors

Parent Committee – Roles & Responsibilities

The Native American Programs are governed by Parent Committees. The Johnson-O’Malley program is designed and monitored by the Indian Education Committee (IEC). Title VI is designed and monitored by the Indian Education Advisory Committee (IEAC). The Committee consists of parents of Native American students enrolled in Preston Public Schools.  Meetings are conducted every six weeks.  The involvement of the Parent Committee is vital to the administration of the programs. The Director and committees work together to meet the goals and objectives of the programs.

The roles and responsibilities of the Parent Committee are:
  • Establish the by-laws which detail responsibilities and authority in accordance with the Indian Education Act regulations.
  • Serve in an advisory/advocacy role to the Program Director.
  • Approve all program components and budgets.
  • Monitor program activities and budgets.
  • Ensure that educational and/or cultural needs of Indian students are addressed.

Native American Student Association (NASA) – COMING SOON

The Native American Student Association is an organization which provides an opportunity for students in grades 8 – 12 to enhance their educational experiences through cultural diversity.   Membership is open to students of Native American descent. 

Oklahoma’s Promise

Oklahoma Higher Learning Access Program

Oklahoma’s Promise, formerly known as the Oklahoma Higher Learning Access Program (OHLAP), is state funded.  It allows students, from families whose annual income is $55,000 or less, to earn a scholarship to an Oklahoma public college or university or it can be used to pay for a portion of tuition at eligible private colleges in Oklahoma. The program was created in 1992 by the state legislature to help more Oklahoma families send their children to college. 

Students must apply for the program during their 8th, 9th, or 10th grade year. The deadline for students to apply is June 30th of their sophomore year.

To be eligible, students must:

  • be a resident of Oklahoma,
  • make commitment to the program as an 8th, 9th or 10th grader,
  • complete the courses required for admission to any  Oklahoma college or university plus 1 unit (these courses must include 2 units of foreign language or technology, and 1 unit of fine arts),
  • graduate with a 2.5 grade point average within the previous three years,
  • have a family income of $50,000 or less, and
  • have been admitted and enrolled in an institution of higher education or postsecondary career-tech program.

More  Information
